Briefing Papers Number 20, November 2012 | Page 11

intended outcomes. The pathway addresses questions that affect overall nutrition outcomes (for example: How are the planned activities going to bring about a change in nutrition status?). When mapping out the pathway to nutritional impact, other factors should also be taken into consideration (e.g., equity factors such as the time, income, and control over resources of the participating women; other types of support they may need, such as micronutrient supplementation). Select, Implement, and Monitor Program Activities Prioritizing Nutrition Interventions The process of selecting, prioritizing, and designing country- or targeted population-specific interventions needs to take into account many different criteria, including identifying high-impact priority interventions and mobilizing resources to scale up progress toward the MDGs. As the Lancet series summarizes…“The charge to nutrition leaders at country level is to review their existing strategies and programs to ensure that priority is given to interventions with demonstrated impact on undernutrition among pregnant women and children less than 2 years of age, and then to develop feasible strategies for increasing public demand for these interventions and delivering them at scale.”83 Clear definitions and understanding of nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific nutrition actions need to be accompanied by a standard set of assumptions and operational constraints that are defined, addressed, and monitored. The pathway to making an impact on nutriSuccessful implementation of priority nutrition interventions requires four tion should be explained in a detailed implemenconditions: tation plan that covers the whole “path,” including intermediate steps and activities to achieve 1. Target populations’ access to services or supplies the program objectives. The implementation 2. Services or supplies of acceptable quality plan should include well-defined nutrition-sen3. Target populations’ demand for and capacity to use the services and/ sitive and nutrition-specific interventions and or adopt the promoted behaviors (this will generally require specific state how intermediate results or outputs (proknowledge and skills along with favorable attitudes) gram results achieved throughout the execution 4. An accommodating social and policy environment84 of activities) will be tracked, including building in-country capacity to monitor and evaluate More attention is needed to the institutional capacity and governance program implementation and results, and will arrangements required to enable successful implementation of nutrition programs on a large scale (Bryce et al. 2008).85 lead to the expected nutrition improvements. The project framework or pathway should state clearly the assumptions made about how these activities will improve nutrition outcomes. After the path trition security.88 Nutrition outcome indicators should be has been defined, program strategies and activities will be tracked throughout the life of the program. Since there is no identified. one-size-fits-all solution, the indicators will vary according to the nature and the duration of the intervention. Examples of nutrition outcome indicators that are linked to nutritionSet, Track, and Monitor Process (Output), Outcome, specific interventions include: and Impact Indicators • Minimum