Brewings Vo. 44 Issue 2 2022 Spring 2022 | Page 4

Peter Freuchen it ’ s difficult to come up with something interesting , and after writing about 100 of these over the last 30 some years for the Batch , it can get tiring . Looking back , I probably ought to get placed in the BCCA ( or Batch ) hall of fame for writing . Not that I shared any great epiphanies , or made an ounce of sense , just that I would get the award for a person who was most successful at wasting my and your time .
used in two different ways ; to dig himself out of the snow and by amputating his own necrotic toes from frostbite . ( Probably could have used that turd to open beer cans also and I would assume there ’ s a Youtube video showing the process .) I found this story on the internet , so it must be true . Over the winter ( like Mr . Freuchen ) I felt trapped inside the house and considered escaping to warmer climates . Thankfully I did not need to self-amputate and my sanity has been restored with the arrival of April . That ’ s not beer related , but it might grab your sphincter .
It does seem at times , when writing these articles ,
In the year 1926 , Danish explorer Peter Freuchen was supposedly trapped under an avalanche while dogsledding across Greenland . He escaped death by fashioning a shiv out of his own feces ( known as poop , for the layman ) which was

Peter Freuchen it ’ s difficult to come up with something interesting , and after writing about 100 of these over the last 30 some years for the Batch , it can get tiring . Looking back , I probably ought to get placed in the BCCA ( or Batch ) hall of fame for writing . Not that I shared any great epiphanies , or made an ounce of sense , just that I would get the award for a person who was most successful at wasting my and your time .

I ’ ll relate a short story . Just recently I seen a beer can collection for sale on my marketplace site . It did not look like much from the pictures but , one can caught my interest , it was brown and barrel shaped . I could not see the complete label but , it looked like a Blatz barrel test can , which has some pretty good value . I contacted the seller to provide a better picture . The can turned out to be a Sapporo from Japan . Balloon deflated or large intestine emptied , which ever you prefer . I said thanks , but not interested . The seller then wanted to know what this collection was worth . She had it listed for 300 bucks and lived in Marshall . I told her from the pictures I viewed , it was worth very little , like probably nothing .
Well , she wanted to know about beer bottles in the collection and many other questions . So , we got into a lengthy conversation , and I tried to help her out . This collection was her brothers , who had died 16 years ago . Her dad kept these cans and bottles and now he was very sick . She was cleaning out stuff and had tried to navigate online auctions for some idea of worth but , it was all so confusing to her . She had initially figured it was not worth much but , after seeing prices realized online , she thought she was going to retire to Aruba .
Yes , I know all about online auction prices . I basically told her auctions prices are for the insane and mentally beer obsessed , the overly rich and the overly stupid . When you are obsessed with something , that ’ s when you can ’ t think straight and if you doubt that statement , look at auction prices and consider the last time you were head over heels in love . The collection was memories to her dad , and he did not really want to sell it . I explained memories and sentimental value do not equate to dollar figures . She understood and thanked me for helping her . Continued on page 5
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