Brewings Brewings Vol 29 Issue 4 | Page 2

P A G E 2 B O R D E R B A T C H B R E W I N G S
Wow , it ’ s hard to believe but Summer ’ s gone and the leaves are starting to fall already . Won ’ t be long before it will be Winter here in the frozen tundra . Good thing we have plenty of activities to take in to help pass the time . Hopefully everyone has had a productive Summer and was able to make a few shows , trade sessions or pick up a piece or two for your collections . With gas prices being high this Summer , I ’ m sure that some of the shows attendance numbers have been down but it seems the hobby is still going strong . We had a great turn out at the Hamm ’ s Club parking lot show and people were spending money . EBay buying and selling is still an option but certainly doesn ’ t come close to replacing the personal aspect of a local show .
By the time this newsletter is out , the North Star Chapters big bash , Guzzle and Twirl will have taken place . Always a great show , well run and plenty of stuff to look at . Next years Grand Raffle prize will make it ’ s debut at this show so it will be interesting to see what kind of reaction we get on that . Really looking forward to having it at the Christmas party at the B & L Bar in New Ulm .
As you all know , next year will be the 30 th Anniversary of the Schell ’ s chapter and we are planning to have quite a year with a special shirt , a history DVD , and we ’ re looked into getting the restored Hauenstein delivery truck for our Spring show to have on display to name a few things . And of course another StubieFest which can only get better every year . This year ’ s event was a blast from the Billy Can shoot , trade session , hayride to downtown New Ulm and ending the evening with Karaoke , jello shots and general merriment in rural New Ulm . I finally officially healed up on Tuesday . A tip of the hat to the Stueber guys for another successful day and evening . This is a can ’ t miss event . Thanks .
At the last Schell ’ s board meeting held at Larry Holm ’ s we elected a new Vice President to serve under yours truly and it will be none other than Stubie-Mark Stueber himself . No campaign promises were expressed yet but the main thing we ’ ll have during our administration is a continuation of good times , good friends . The official gavel is probably going to be passed at the Christmas party so be sure and toast our out going President Jay Martin for his past years of service to the chapter . Cheers .
Since there are some home brewers in the club and for anyone else that ’ s interested , I ‘ m starting a new column about beer trivia , I guess . This will be about obscure and little known beer facts . Feel free to send me anything that you think may be of interest .
What is U-Bier ?? Courtesy of Dave Berg , Schell ' s .
Kellerbier ( literally beer from the cellar ) can be divided into two categories : Ungsepundtes and Zwickel . Both are unfiltered , the difference being , if a spunding valve was used for carbonation . Spunding valves allow beer to naturally carbonate by allowing only a certain pressure in the tank . If you use a spunding valve , and then serve from the tank , you have a Zwickel beer , it is fully carbonated . If you do not use the spunding valve , you have an Ungespundtes beer , with carbonation equal to only that which is soluble in the beer at lagering temperatures ( i . e ., considerably lower carbonation than Zwickel . Much like cask beer has lower carbonation ). You can make either from any kind of lager . Thus , both Snowstorm and the U-bier ( pronounced oooobier , not you-bier ) are in fact Ungespundtes and both served vom Fass ( gravity poured from a Bavarian stich - Fass ). Here ends your brewing lesson for the day .