Sexual Harassment * ( Flamingo ( BlackBox ) on Wed 21 st & Bellagio ( F110 ) on Thurs 22 nd ) - McDaniel This session is mandatory for all McKinney Boyd faculty and staff members . Our annual look at harassment in the workplace will cover topics from verbal to mental to physical types of harassment . Participants in this interactive session will be trained in proper response techniques to issues of harassment as well as guided through the formal grievance process should harassment occur .
Forethought * ( Mandalay Bay ( H206 )) - Various Teams Beginning with this year , it is a District mandate that all teachers submit lesson plans online . Luckily , we are using Eduphoria ’ s Forethought . This is one of the easiest programs available . Come see how to create your lessons and submit them .
New Teachers ( Bellagio ( F110 )) - Robin Clayton The Bronco Way – a mandatory session for all new teachers to Boyd Come join me for an informative journey through our rich traditions that make Boyd a great place to work ! When Boyd opened its doors in 2006 we began to make history and set traditions that we still have today . I ’ ll fill you in on how we do business here and how those things make this big place run smoothly . We like to celebrate accomplishments , share in workloads , and treat you like family . We believe in hard work but also in having fun . We have big expectations for all . Come be a “ believer ” in Boyd !!
Opening Session ( Caesars Palace ( Cafeteria )) - McDaniel
Freshman Meeting ( Circus Circus ( Library )) - Amy Philachack This is for all teachers of freshmen students .
1st Day Procedures ( Caesars Palace ( Cafeteria )) - Assistant Principals
PLC / Aware Accountability * ( Bellagio ( F110 )) - Peirson Just teach it and just share it !! This breakout session will give you a quick look at our new Eduphoria Aware program , review our PLC protocols and give you an opportunity to witness a successful PLC in action . In the words of Aristotle , “ We are what we repeatedly do . Excellence , then , is not an act , but a habit ”. Consistently excellent PLC ’ s with a solid foundation in data will lead to student success in the classroom and less stress for teachers on the team . Please bring your laptop with you to this session .
Special Pops Strategies * ( Bellagio ( F110 )) - Stacy Needham Expectations and laws are always changing . Are you ready for the 2013-14 school year ? This session will prepare / refresh general and special education personnel with the content knowledge and collaborative skills needed to meet the needs of our ESL , 504 , and special needs population .
Inclusion Teacher Meeting ( Bellagio ( F110 )) - Stacy Needham / Carla Atkinson Calling all general ed inclusion teachers , special ed inclusion teachers , resource teachers and instructional paras . Please join us for this required session full of information regarding our inclusion program and the opportunity to meet your inclusion teammates for the upcoming school year . Let ’ s open up the lines of communication amongst our inclusion teams so we can help our hard to reach students find success . Strength lies in our differences , not in our similarities .