Boyd PD Program Aug 2013 | Page 3

Daily Schedule
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Wrap Up
Registration Instructions
In order to accommodate the nature of this year ' s academy , we will be registering twice .
First go to Eduphoria and register for the MBHS 2013-2014 Academy week . This will log the PD hours with the district , just be sure to sign in every morning . If you are viewing this online , go to http :// broncoway . pbworks . com for hyperlinks straight to those PD sessions on Eduphoria .
Secondly , look over this calendar of events and pencil together your choices ( just like you would at a convention ). Then , because several of the courses need to be limited in number , go to http :// broncoway . pbworks . com to register for each course . There will be a redirect button that will send you to the Eventzilla website to choose which courses on which days you want to register for . If there are no more tickets available , then choose another section of that course .
Notifications and Reminders :
The online District Mandated courses will take longer than the one hour slot . If you take care of it before the 15th , that is an extra slot for you to work in your room or go to another session . However , you are allocated ONLY one slot during Academy to work on it . Courses will open for registration on August 9 th . You cannot register until you have received your PLC times from your team leader . Don ' t wait until the last minute to register for courses ( especially the mandatory ones ) once we reach our quota on those , they are full . Remember to register in Eduphoria AND Eventzilla for Academy . Also remember to sign in on the Eduphoria sheets each morning . Four of the five days we are on campus all day we will have lunch together . Two are provided by the PTO , one by Mr . McDaniel and then the Friday before school begins we will have a potluck lunch . Bring your best dish and perhaps someone might win some poker chips .