Bow&Arrow Communications Bow&Arrow Communications | Page 4

Methodology: The target population chosen is choice riders aged 18-25. Choice riders are persons who have the means of transportation to and from work or school but choose public transportation as their preferred mode of travel. The age range was chosen based on the client’s request to target Texas State students. The sample frame or, “n”, are the students of Texas State University. THE BUS would like to shape its look and feel to meet the wants and needs of the target population. A survey was created consisting of questions related to how and why someone would ride THE BUS. The data was collected through our survey (quantitative data) as well as physically riding THE BUS (qualitative data). The survey was distributed via Facebook, email and through face-to-face interaction with Texas State students. Melanie, Ana and Alyson dispersed the survey at their place of work, which consists of Texas State students ages 18-25. We started to collect the data on September 26th and closed the survey on October 11th. Qualitative data was gathered via riding the bus and taking notes. Melanie rode THE BUS on September 23 and collected data consisting of information regarding how long it took to get from place to place, what the bus looked like on the inside and out, and what type of passengers rode THE BUS. Kara made an attempt to ride the bus on September 15, but was unable to do so (See: Qualitative Data). With the data we collected, we analyzed the survey and created tables and charts from the feedback. See appendix B.