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INTRODUCTION: The City of San Marcos has gained the title for the third consecutive year as the fastest-growing city across the nation. As a result of this growth, the demand of public transportation has increased. The City of San Marcos has taken steps to improve their public transportation system by rebranding CARTS and introducing THE BUS. The people who already are in need of public transportation are aware of its services and are using THE BUS; however, the goal of this campaign is to increase ridership of choice riders. The purpose of this study is to discover what can be done to increase the ridership of choice riders within the age rage of 18-24. PRIMARY RESEARCH: Research Goal: THE BUS’s overall research goal is to find out how to increase the choice ridership (those who have other means of transportation, but choose to take the bus instead) and target the audience of people aged 18 to 24. Research Questions: 1. How many students are aware of THE BUS? 2. What are the reasons, if any, why students choose not to ride THE BUS? 3. What would make students more willing to ride THE BUS? Research Objectives: 1. To obtain 50 responses from Texas State students to the survey by October 11. 2. To ride THE BUS at two different times on two different days before October 11 and take observation notes.