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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: THE BUS is a branch of the larger transportation system, CARTS, used throughout Central Texas. THE BUS is in its early stages of implementation due to the growing demand for public transportation in San Marcos. The main issue that THE BUS presently faces is choice ridership. Choice riders are defined as those who have other means of transportation, but choose to take the bus instead. The purpose of the research is to answer three main research questions: How many students are aware of THE BUS; what are the reasons, if any, why students choose to not ride THE BUS and what would make students more willing to ride THE BUS? The main instrument used to find the answers to these questions was a survey distributed primarily online. This survey was distributed online and in person. Qualitative data was also collected through riding the bus and taking notes of the experience. The survey revealed that many of the students would be encouraged to ride THE BUS if hours extended past 8 p.m.. The survey also revealed that Texas State students listed convenience and Wi-Fi as their top priorities in public transportation. However, many of the students stated that they simply prefer to drive. Qualitative data revealed that the condition of the older busses that are in place are of poor quality. However, the experience of riding THE BUS was pleasant and timely.