Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 55

Talk Yo Shit!

Give yourself recognition for your accomplishments, when you achieve a small or big goal you have to celebrate yourself, bring the bubbly and praise yourself!

Instead of waiting for recognition from others, you should give yourself a pat on the back when you do something that you can be proud of.

You deserve it!

Fuel Your Inner Fan Girl

We are all our own worst enemies and are sometimes harder on ourselves than anyone else is - your inner critic can be super judgmental and it has to be silenced. Be your own biggest fan instead!

Try to go one day without criticizing yourself; instead of fueling your inner critic, rather cultivate the little voice in your head that stands up to criticism and defends you - your inner advocate.

This requires a different level of self-awareness, as the inner critic is usually hardwired and has already established a believable (negative) story about you.

Get over that! It's time to tell a new story.