Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 54

BOSSY! Tips on Being Kinder to Yourself


Without a doubt, being kind to yourself is easier said than done, especially if you have already developed self-sabotaging habits like negative self-affirmations or self-punishments.

Nevertheless, it can all be reversed for your own greater good, so let’s have a look at the actionable tips you can take on!

Make Time For You, Queen!

At this moment you are probably dedicating more time to your job, family, and friends than you are giving to yourself… And while this often normal quite frankly, it is not sustainable so you cut that out right now!

Take time throughout your day to do something that you love doing, whether it is painting, walking through the park, baking, playing an instrument, or just taking a long warm bath, it’s important to have some ‘me-time’.

Time spent out of productivity and into enjoyment is your opportunity to reflect on everything else and make the necessary adjustments.

Give yourself recognition for your accomplishments, when you achieve a small or big goal you have to celebrate yourself, bring the bubbly and praise yourself!

Instead of waiting for recognition from others, you should give yourself a pat on the back when you do something that you can be proud of.

You deserve it!