Bossy! Magazine Fall Issue 2021 | Page 56

Embrace Your Good Qualities

What are your good qualities? Write them all down and embrace them as your strengths while cultivating them to be even stronger.

Even though you might not have the best temperament in the world, you make up for it by having a keen eye for detail; focus on your good qualities and they’ll overshadow weaknesses.

Whisper Sweet Yourself

In the same way as our bodies are a reflection of what we eat, our minds are a reflection of the thoughts and information we put in there, too!

Give yourself daily affirmations like, “I’m Enough!”, “I’m Worthy!”, “I Deserve the Best!”, “I Can Do It!”.

Making these positive phrases part of your daily life, will have a drastic effect on how you see yourself.

This works because an affirmation, repeated enough times, can literally rewire your subconscious habits on an emotional, physical and mental level.