BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 22



How important is it as an entrepreneur to take risks ?


Everything is a decision . You measure the risks . It will always feel like a risk when it hasn ' t been done . So honestly , it has to be done , there is so much growth occurring outside of our comfort zone . and like i always say , you never know who you can inspire just by being yourself .


What ' s the biggest obstacle you ' ve faced in your entrepreneurial journey and how did you overcome it ?


Besides the ups and downs of the income , some months are better than others . I would say when I rebranded , and had to recalibrate the way I was running my business , my offers and services because not only I was burnt out , but I also totally outgrew my business model at some point . . . I was no longer resonating with what I was doing . I overcame it taking a step back for a year and focused on developing new skills and other aspect of my business , I learned to slow down and to reconnect with myself so that I could keep on serving from a place of love and purpose .