BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 23




Tell me about a life defining moment that you feel shaped the person you are today .


There are so many . . and I know there is going to be so many more on my journey of becoming . . . but to chose one I would say the day I realized I get to create my own reality which is my main message for women through the outlets I use to coach .


If someone were looking to join your field , what advice would you give them that you wish you were given ?


To not trying to be perfect , use your life lessons to teach and encourage others and to not skip any steps in the journey , meaning really keep on being your best client , practice what you preach , you ALSO deserve all the love and great tips you share with clients . Put yourself first , set time aside to spend WITH yourself . . you can not pour from an empty cup . and in this field , I mean it literally .