BOSSY! Magazine BOSSY! Spring 2023 Issue | Page 21



As a wellness coach do you believe there is a direct correlation between health and wealth ?


ABSOLUTELY !!! Being healthy is not just go for a jog and drinking your green juice . It ' s how you treat yourself , how you take care of your mental health , how you ' re dealing with your traumas and your issues . How you manage stress , how you create an enjoyable life through the turbulences of entrepreneurship . . . It ' s what you eat , how much you sleep etc . . . An example : Poor eating habits leads to feeling sluggish and tired , which doesnt allow a full productivity which leads to frustration . Now you may be behind , or you miss meetings or not as present , so you find the excuse to not exercise and to go for more junk food because no time to cook etc . . . This is one scenario out of many . I believe that our business can not surpass our level of personal development and our level of dedication to self . . . having healthy routines and habits shift your priorities positively hence , make you take better decisions and focus to attract what you are meant to attract in your life and business ! I had this one member during the pandemic , her story was incredibly inspiring ! She did my program and was taking my online dance classes , she said she would go an entire month without drinking wine , as a personal challenge and to also better her health and weight loss journey . On the 3rd week of her fitness challenge , she got a call from her job that she is getting a promotion . After 20 + years of having the same position . . . I believe she attracted this opportunity in her life !! Beyond what ' s in our control , the universe delivers not what we want but what we deserve by the habits that we implement every single day of our lives !