BOSSNews Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 43


Everyone knows exercising is good for your physical and mental health. But finding time to squeeze it in between long workdays, meetings, and raising a family is no simple task.

To make exercising more convenient, consider products that let you workout while working on your business.

One example is the FitDesk, a lightweight exercise bike that can be mounted with a laptop. So you can plug away on your computer while pedaling away the miles.

If working while working out is not your thing, we also suggest making family time, active time. This way you can spend time with the kids and reap the benefits of physical activity.

Time can be spent playing tag together, going to the pool, or playing Wii tennis. Anything that gets your heart pumping for an hour or two can really help with your productivity and focus once you do get back to work.

Keep the "Village Mentality"

Often times we forget that we are not in this alone. It’s important to have a strong support team. If you have a partner, relatives, friends who offer their help take it!

If they are not offering then you’re going to have to open your mouth and ask. Don’t be so prideful that your business but more importantly you family begin to suffer because you try to handle everything on your own.

To make life easy we suggest writing down 5-10 things you believe if you had someone to help you take care of it things could be more balanced. Then start to look at those you trust and love and match their gifts and talents to one of your needs. Finally, (here goes the hard part) go to them and ask if they would be willing to help with that specific thing.

Eventually you will develop a community of supporters you probably never even knew you had.
