Boosting Teacher Professional Development Vol. 1 | Seite 7

Luís Fernandes



This council is made up of European experts in the field of e-learning and teacher professional development. This council's mission is to ensure the adequacy and quality of training by incorporating the latest and most innovative teaching methodologies and practices, always striving to meet a European dimension in its values and mission.

By enabling the flexibility of an online training, with participant-sharing communities supported by moderators, peer review, participation standards and involvement, learning communities are built and the use of social networks associated with these trainings ensure they will continue after the course. This is a point to highlight, as participants come from many European countries and have different backgrounds and experiences.

In this sense each teacher should be able to choose the training that best suits them, in the format that best suits their needs, and it is up to the competent organizations to recognize and validate the path of professional development that each teacher builds.

professional development plan is an option that should be promoted and encouraged so that it results in an effective way of professional and personal enhancement. The path defined by each teacher should be the result of an active pursuit of a meaningful professional development training for them individually. School Education Gateway/SEG is the answer to building a European perspective of the development of all education professionals. SEG, created within the European Commission, is a platform that brings together everything that is developed for education at European level. To provide quality education to all, continuing professional development is the key to the empowerment of European teachers. To achieve this goal, the Teacher Academy was created. Its mission is to provide a variety of services and activities primarily for teachers, school leaders and other professionals, from kindergarten to secondary education, but also for all those involved in school education. Teacher Academy develops and offers online training (MOOC) which is defined annually by a Pedagogical Advisory Board.