Boosting Teacher Professional Development Vol. 1 | Page 6




When talking about the professional development of teachers there are multiple ways to ensure effective career-long learning; however, in linking career progression to the completion of a minimum number of hours of training, with rules on the training each teacher must attend, the focus is frequently on attending the available training courses that meet the requirements, which is not always in line with the teacher's own interests.

If at national level this is a more or less frequent reality, we cannot expect that training will result exclusively in a given place, or be limited to a general offer, with too many guidelines reducing the role of the continuing professional development.

The key question is how can teachers define their continuing professional development plan and find the offer that best suits their training needs and their career development. The key question is how can teachers define their continuing professional development plan and find the offer that best suits their training needs and their career development. The creation of an individual continuing