Boosting Teacher Professional Development Vol. 1 | Page 5


symbolic recognition of learning. In 2019 the Teacher Academy has therefore set out to address these challenges by working with teachers and schools to develop actions which can facilitate the integration and effective use of MOOCs at school level. 10 advanced teachers from across Europe have been trialling different actions to

• support school colleagues to use MOOCs for their professional learning,

• develop mechanisms for transfer of learning on MOOCs into practice at school,

• and to offer formal or informal recognition of learning happening on MOOCs.

To share their results and insights from implementing such actions, the teachers have prepared magazines, books, and

videos that will help more schools learn

from and replicate the actions implemented.

In Portugal, Celeste Simões, has successfully trialled a series of ambitious actions at school and local level. In this magazine you will find the results of her journey working with colleagues, school heads, and policy makers to understand how MOOCs could become a more integrated and widely-used professional development tool in Portuguese schools.

We are sure you will enjoy and learn from the rich set of resources and insights shared by Celeste and we very much hope that you will get in touch with her or us, to discuss how the insights gained from Celeste’s work can be used in your own school or locality.

Nair Carrera Martinez & Benjamin Hertz

Benjamin Hertz

(Case Studies Coordinator)