Boosting Teacher Professional Development Vol. 1 | Page 8



students’ knowledge, skills and qualities for the autonomous, conscious and critical exercise of citizenship while, at the same time, provides them the necessary tools to be successful in the new working environment.

In this context, it is therefore important to praise and cherish the effort and spirit of initiative in promoting a differentiating project, which also translates into the presentation of a digital magazine that disseminates the Action Plan of the Carregal do Sal School Cluster, within the Teacher Academy platform of the European Schoolnet organization and European Commission.

We welcome activities of this nature that illustrate successful pathways, revealing the commitment of the teachers involved and representing Portugal in international projects at the highest level.

Having in mind the economic, political, social and cultural transformations of the contemporary world, it is important to rethink the role of School as a driving force for social and economic development. Such reconfiguration is essential for preparing citizens who are committed to upholding the values of democracy, multiculturalism and the environment, while being motivated for lifelong learning and better equipped to manage the uncertainties of the labour markets.

In this sense, it is important to emphasize and support innovative initiatives that, in addition to dignifying teachers’ work, show that there is another way to go. In fact, there is currently an open, creative spirit in schools that encourages innovative practices that promote higher quality teaching, which aims to develop

The Director-General for School Administration

Susana Castanheira Lopes