BOOM JANUARY 2016 | Page 36

B E AU T Y T I P S Here's how to make homemade lip balms V irgin coconut oil and cocoa butter balm or a peppermint one, you can make these and more at home to do away with chapped lips.Here are a few tips to make homemade lip balms: Virgin coconut oil and cocoa butter balm: Mix fresh virgin coconut oil well with cocoa butter. Then heat the mixture with an equal proportion of shredded beeswax along with vanilla extract. Once the mix reaches a thick consistency, pour it into an empty box which you can carry around with you. Refrigerate before applying it. Lemon rosemary balm: You need pretty much the same ingredients as above but to jazz things up, blend in 15 drops of lemon and rosemary essence to the mixture. Add the coconut oil, cocoa butter and beeswax. Infuse a little chunk of lipstick while the mixture is still heating! Peppermint balm: Take some petroleum jelly in a microwave-safe bowl and put it inside the oven till the jelly turns into liquid. Now add one teaspoon of honey and half teaspoon of sweet almond oil to it. Infuse the peppermint extract and mix everything together and microwave the mixture again for 20 seconds. Let it rest at room temperature for an hour and use it when hardened. Kitchen essentials for your hair this winter W inter often causes hair to fall more than it does in other seasons. It also encourages dandruff and dryness. At such times, make sure to stock up on certain ingredients... CURDS AND LEMON: This is a strongly recommended combination by experts as it helps to reduce hair fall and acts as a natural conditioner during winters.It cures dryness of the scalp and reduces dandruff. Squeeze a few drops of lemon in curd and apply on your hair as a mask. Let it dry and then rinse. COCONUT, NEEM, ALMOND AND OLIVE OIL: These oils are the most popular when it comes to nourish the hair. You can choose to keep only one of it, but ideally all four should be within reach. To regain strength and shine of your hair, massage your scalp with hot oil. Neem and coconut oil together is an antiseptic against dandruff and scalp irritation CAMPHOR: It is known to have a cooling effect on the head. But to maximum beneļ¬t from it, mix small amount of camphor and oil and apply it on your scalp. It reduces dandruff and the itchiness on the scalp. 36 | BOOM