With a couple of small changes you can get your body to burn calories more efficiently. Here are 9 ways you can kick your
metabolism into action.
1. Eat breakfast!
If you don’t eat in the morning, your metabolism slows down and
your body goes into hoarding mode, thinking that it might starve
or need to go without food for a long time.
2. Leave the lightest meal
for last
Make your dinner the lightest meal of the day. Experts
reckon you shouldn’t eat anything three hours before
bedtime. This will assist your body to process the food
and burn calories while you’re awake and on the move.
Sleeping on a full stomach will slow the digestive process.
3. Don’t starve yourself
If your calorie intake is too low for your level of activity,
your body will assume that it’s starving and automatically
slow down your metabolism.
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