Parenting and Teaching : what is the connection ?
سارة وسيم البعيني
معلمة روضات Home Room Teacher
حاصلة على إجازة تعليمية من جامعة هايغازيان ، تتابع الماجيستير في التربية من الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت إختصاص علم نفس وإرشاد تربوي . لديها ثلاثة سنين خبرة في مجال التعليم .
“ Students who are loved at home , come to school to learn , and -stdents who are not , come to school to be loved ”. ~ Nicholas A Ferroni Nowadays it seems that it is the teachers ’ responsibility to follow up the students ’ academic achievements and provide the maximum time and guidance needed so that students give their best and show -iprovement . However , one of the things we neglect is the parents ’ role . It simply has a great effect on students ’ academic achievement . Talking about the role of parents doesn ’ t only mean their academic support and guidance ; their greater role lies within the psychological support that goes hand in hand with their academic support . -Morover , it is vital to point out that the psychological support that parents provide is correlated with the academic achievement of students .
Traditional wisdom suggests that the most potentially problematic -stdents in education come from homes where parents either failed to properly socialize them , or more likely , coddled them , overprotected them and covered for them to such an extent that many entered -kidergarten with an artificially inflated level of -self esteem , an -underdveloped sense of responsibility , overdeveloped sense of entitlement , minimal respect of authority , and a readiness to blame others for their own shortcomings . ( Baumind , 1971 .( Talking about the distinct parenting styles , the following are the ones to tackle : 1 . -Permissive Indulgent parenting : Parents who follow this -paenting style tend to be affectionate , caring and involved ; on the other hand , they act like being extremely tolerant . They exert negligible -dicipline or control . 2 . -Permissive Neglectful ( Uninvolved ) parenting : These parents are those who show virtually no interest in their children . Simply , they are careless and never look after their children . 3 . Authoritarian parenting : Mothers and fathers who are classified to be authoritarian are those who are demanding , intolerant , and harsh on their children . They have the “ punishment ” as a very important -paenting tool to show authority . 4 . Authoritative parenting : These parents are those who are firm with their kids . Moreover , these parents also demand from their -chidren and impose discipline , but they still show love , care , and -affetion . Research has shown that students with various problems in the class and outside are those whose parents pursue the -permissive -indugent , -permissive neglectful , and authoritarian parenting styles . These parenting styles have been associated with a variety of -probleatic personal , emotional , and social characteristics that can play out in academic settings in the form of any anxiety and low achievements .
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