What advice would you give to ot hers your age or younger?
I would tell them to be patient with themselves and to enjoy being a kid. Also, to try
your hardest in everything you do in school, sports & life!
What are your future goals and how do you plan on reaching them?
A short-term goal is to have no more missing homework assignments this quarter
and not to earn any additional detentions. I plan to reach these short-term goals by
working extra hard in the classroom and turning in all of my assignments.
My future goal is to earn a college scholarship to play basketball or football at UCLA
or the University of Texas. I can achieve this by staying out of trouble, getting good
grades and being a great athlete/teammate.
My dream career is to be an NBA player or become a video game developer. This
would be cool because I could play games before they’re released & get them for
free! In order to achieve these dreams/goals, I will have to work really hard and
learn the ins & outs of video game & software engineering.
What’s your bigges t s t ruggle?
My biggest struggle is my attitude & patience. I tend to get worked up too easily,
and I lose my cool way too often. I struggle with this the most when I’m playing
basketball, but it is something that I am working on. An example of my struggle with
patience is that I get bored easily & complain when I don’t get what I want.
I lose my temper on the basketball court way too often. I think it’s because I’m hard
on myself and I hate to lose. I’ve received more than my share of technical fouls for
talking back to officials and complaining about calls. I’m taking a year off from orga-
nized basketball in hopes that I can learn to control myself and focus on school.
What is your proudes t accomplishment so far?
My proudest accomplishment is setting the Delaware Trail Elementary schools Dog
Jog record back in 1st grade. I ran 16 laps in 30 minutes which broke the previous
record that was set by a 5th grader, so it was a pretty big deal!