My name is Brettlynn . I am 11 years old , and I have been playing hockey since I was 4 years old . Hockey is my favorite sport , and my hockey team ’ s name is the Mid Missouri Tigers . Last season we won the state championship !
My hockey experience has impacted my life in many ways , and it has taught me many things . One thing it has taught me is teamwork . Teamwork is not only learning to play together , but it ’ s also learning to work together . If you don ’ t have teamwork , you will most likely lose the game . Something else I have learned is problem-solving . You problem solve in hockey when your opponent is skating down the ice with the puck on the other side of the ice . When this happens , you have to decide whether or not to go towards them or block their teammates from receiving a pass . Another way hockey impacted my life is that I have made a lot of new friends . Not only my teammates but playing against other teams and learning to get to know them as well . Hockey has also given me a lot of very amazing experiences . I have made tons of memories while playing hockey ; across Missouri and in other states .
I have also learned many important skills while I have been playing hockey such as the skill of skating . Other very important ones are shooting the puck , stick handling , passing , and how to take the puck away from someone . These things are all very important to be a successful hockey player . I have been the only girl on my hockey team every season except this season . By being the only girl on my team I have learned some things , for example , it doesn ’ t matter if you are a boy or a girl you can do anything you set your mind to . You have to have motivation , belief , and confidence , not only in yourself but in your teammates .
Some of my favorite experiences of playing hockey are getting to play on the St . Louis Blue ’ s home ice , being kid captain of a Blues game and going out on the ice with the Blues team during the National Anthem , and doing a flag presentation at a Blues game .
36 November / December 2017