Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 5

E U L B E L M P O R R U F P O T By: Monica A. During this year's commencements, Alpha Omega Academy students noticed a change. The school color moved from royal blue to purple. AOA is a part of Alpha Omega Publications. Leadership at both AOA and AOP had adopted purple as the school's newly established hue back in 2017 when they also updated logos, AOA's virtual campus, and all other school materials. As explained by AOA's marketing department, "Several years ago, Alpha Omega Publications updated its color scheme and logo. We made our update based on our parent company's updates [for us] to be in alignment." The decision to make an alteration was a joint decision of AOA's leadership at the time. In fact, the school's color was blue for no particular reason other than the fact that blue was what was in line with AOP's previous color scheme. The new color purple - as AOA's marketing team believes - is contemporary and fresh, making the color an excellent fit for AOA. 5