Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 4

AOA E a r n e d Ne w Ac c r e d it a t io n By: Emily S. Alpha Omega Academy received a new international accreditation over the summer. AOA is now accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). ACSI is the most extensive Protestant Christian accrediting body in the world. An accreditation such as one from ACSI proves that a school is doing the best of its abilities to provide a top-class education to its students, according to the AOA Principal Julia Ellis. She explained that accreditations also help students move on to colleges or transfer to a different high school. What does this accreditation mean for AOA? ?We wanted to be accredited by ACSI, because it is the largest accrediting body of Christian schools. It reflects our commitment at AOA to be a Christian academy, and it reflects that we are holding ourselves accountable to Christian principles,? Mrs. Ellis stated. 4 For a school to receive an accreditation, it must collect data, reports and documents showing how the school runs, Mrs. Ellis revealed. Additionally, the school will receive a site visit from the accreditation source. The source will interview teachers and observe how the school runs. For AOA to maintain the ACSI accreditation, Mrs. Ellis continued, several lengths must be taken. AOA?s staff will need to customize the curriculum to align with Biblical truths. Staff will also need to go through formal training on Christian Philosophies of Education and Biblical Integration curriculum training. Mrs. Ellis said the success of the accreditation process is due in part to the work of former Principal Joe Bakker; Robin Inlow, AOA?s Continuous Improvement Director; Josh Rose, AOA?s Executive Director; and all the other teachers, staff, and students involved in applying and receiving ACSI?s accreditation.