Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 6

f f a t s new By: Monica A. Alpha Omega Academy welcomed thirteen new teachers this fall, with more to come. The following teachers joined staff at the beginning of the fall semester: Ms. Alissa Guest, Ms. Amy McConnell, Ms. Anita Swanson, Ms. Bethany Perry, Ms. Breanna Robbins, Ms. Deidre Swoope, Ms. Emily Johnson, Mr. James Ebling, Ms. Jennifer Yarnell, Ms. Kayla Moffitt, Ms. Kelly Kuehn, Ms. Lindsey Mack, and Ms. Nichole Paul. Mr. Tim DeJong, AOA's assistant principal and the direct supervisor for the AOA teachers, shed light on how the employment process works at AOA. Staff find out about AOA either through word of mouth or job postings found online. They must have a college degree. Applicants submit their 6 application online and then AOA reviews it. After this rigorous process, the school?s administration schedules an interview with the applicant. If accepted, he or she will join AOA?s staff the following year. Teachers must be able to build a relationship with their students without seeing them face to face. They must have an understanding of technology and they must understand that every student is part of AOA for a different reason. All teachers are in the United States. Apart from a career in education, a person can apply for AOA?s marketing team, sales and service, tech support, and curriculum development.