Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 22
By: William M.
Honey bees, pollinators that play a significant
role in our food production, produce raw honey in the
spring. Raw honey is the name given to honey as it
exists the beehive and is obtained by extraction,
settling, or straining. It maintains its rawness as long
as it has not been heated above 118 degrees
Fahrenheit during production or storage. Raw honey is
a delicious super food that contains antioxidants,
which reduce the risk of contracting certain diseases
and infections.
Honey bees play a major agricultural role given
that they are responsible for pollinating approximately
40-50% of our food. In fact, beehives are being
shipped throughout the country to big farms for
pollination purposes. Sadly, the honey bee population
has been rapidly decreasing recently. Throughout the
United States, there has been a rapid increase in
people interested in beekeeping to produce honey and
increase the honey bee population. This profession is
an enjoyable business that benefits agriculture.
However, most people do not have the necessary
character traits to become a successful beekeeper,
and their first attempt may fail.
In April, I had the opportunity to interview Mr.
Clayton who is a beekeeper operating in Central
Virginia. Mr. Clayton owns Hungry Hill Farm, which has
been producing and selling raw honey for more than
50 years.
Mr. Clayton revealed how time-consuming
beekeeping is. He stated that the most important
thing about beekeeping is dedication because a full
time beekeeper will oversee 200- 250 colonies at a