Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 23

When asked whether the beekeeping industry is more popular or not, Mr. Clayton replied that ?beekeeping is becoming more popular because bees are being devastated with neonicotinoids, a chemical used in fertilizers and pesticides, that caused the record low population in both the world and the United States. Good Christians want to increase the honey bee population by working with them.? Later, he said that the efforts of these Christians are futile because they do not have the characteristics of a successful beekeeper. When asked if he could give advice to aspiring beekeepers, Mr. Clayton said, ?Before becoming a beekeeper, it is important to become educated about bees. Take a bee class and buy magazines if necessary. You must make time to be dedicated to the bees. In my opinion, dedication is the most important trait.? SPI CY RA W HONEY BBQ SA UCE -12 oz. of k et ch u p -½ t sp. of basil -4 t bsps. of Ch ipot le Pepper Hot Sau ce -¼ t sp. of cayen n e pepper -¼ yellow on ion Place all of t h ese in gr edien t s in a bow l an d st ir w it h a spoon f or 2-3 m in u t es. -2 t bsps. of br ow n su gar -1 t bsp. of black pepper -¼ t sp. Sea Salt -1 t bsp. of olive oil -1 t bsp. of Hu n gr y Hill Far m ?s Raw Hon ey -1 t sp. of gar lic pow der -1 t sp. of cu m in 23