Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 21

REFRESH I NG GI NGER T EA BY: SAMMY C. I NGREDI ENT S -piece of ginger (1-in long) -1 tbsp of lemon juice -1 tbsp of honey -1 cup of hot water PROCEDURE 1. Take the piece of ginger, peel it, and cut it into small slices. Put it in a cup. 2. Squeeze a lemon over the cup or pour a tbsp of lemon juice into the cup. 3. Pour 1 tbsp of honey (or to taste) into the cup. 4. Pour hot water into the cup and mix it all with a spoon. 5. Now enjoy all the benefits that this - - - - - - - - - BENEFI T S delicious tea provides you. Helps with weight loss and improves your digestive system Relieves tired muscles Improves circulation and stabilizes blood pressure Clears sinuses and eliminates allergies Clears your skin Improves your breathing Fights infections Strengthens your immune system Balances sugar in your body 21