Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 17

Peter: Called To Follow By: Suricke B. Even though there are many years of difference between us and Peter, there are many life experiences that we share with him. Jesus specifically called Peter to follow Him. In comparison, Jesus loves each one of us and calls us to follow Him. We all have our own plans in life, but sometimes God calls us to do something different because He knows what is best for us. Secondly, Peter received the power to "heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils? "(Matthew 10:7 & 8). We can also perform miracles, for we know that with faith we can tell a mountain to throw itself in the ocean. Faith-filled prayers can perform miracles. We can pray for those who are sick, lepers, have demons, etc. as long as we stay focused on God?s power and not our own. going to make mistakes in our walk with God, but we can learn from them. Praying for strength and patience to get through the tasks God has for us is always a good route to take when trying to please Him. For all those who love the Lord try to please Him, just as Peter did. Like Peter, we as Christians have amazing opportunities and experiences. We can walk with Jesus daily, we can talk about Him to others, and we can serve Him enthusiastically. Jesus had chosen us to follow Him! Peter knew who Jesus was. He said ?Jesus is ?the Christ, the Son of the living God.?? The Father revealed this to him. We also know who Jesus is by reading the Bible, believing in Him, and experiencing what His love does for us. Lastly, Peter was enthusiastic about serving Jesus, just as we are. Yes, he denied knowing Jesus three times and made mistakes, but don?t we all? We are 17