Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 16

As I did with Keler, I asked him why he wanted surgery, and he replied, ?I want to be normal and have a normal life. I?m tired of people being mean.? He also told me many more stories about his past, but he never looked at me. All the while he looked the other way. I have found this to be common among the patients at Operation Smile. They do not look at you because they do not want you to see their cleft lip. they won?t ask what?s wrong with him, and they won?t treat him differently.? Both Keler and Alexander made me see that a lot of our patients have a harder life than we have. They get stared at and pointed at for something that they cannot control. They were born that way. A seven year old boy should not have to feel bad about himself, and a 13 year old should not have to live even half of what Alexander has experienced. I asked Keler why he is always smiling, and he answered, ?Because if I?m not happy and funny, then who is going to make my mom smile?? I asked Alexander what kept him going through all of those tough times and he replied, ?I believe God let me go through that for a reason. Maybe it is to protect my younger brothers, or maybe it is because I?m strong enough. Either way, I know that God has a plan for me, and I believe in Him.? During lunchtime, I played hide and seek with Alexander, Keler and other patients. At the end of the day, Alexander hugged me goodbye. He drew a picture for me with crayons and timidly gave it to me. He also thanked me for being his friend. I hugged him and promised him I would see him soon. Unfortunately, I did not see him during the medical brigade, but I hope I get to see him at the next one in November. Alexander and Keler made me see how much Operation Smile can change a kid?s life. As Keler?s mom stated, ?Their [the patient?s] whole lives will be changed because of Operation Smile. I am eternally grateful to this organization because thanks to its staff, volunteers, and doctors, my son?s life will be forever changed. People will no longer stare, 16 Both of these young kids have taught me that even in tough times, we should be smiling like Keler, and believing in God like Alexander. I would not have met them if it were not for Operation Smile, and for that I am truly grateful. I am extremely proud to be part of such a noble cause.