Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 18

H ORSES H EL PI N G H EROES By: Rebekah V. In 2014, a group of veterans began a program with one mission in mind. That mission was ?to provide a dynamic program as a powerful alternative for military personnel, veteran and family members going through their journey of self-discovery utilizing the power of the Horse.? This mission is called Operation Horses and Heroes and is held in 8 different states: Illinois, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Idaho, and Kentucky. It is a 3 day, non-riding program focused on helping military personnel through therapy with horses. I had the opportunity to volunteer at one of the programs in Illinois, and I had the privilege of meeting some of the staff members and helping them with the horses. Jerry Paulsen, the founder and a former U.S. Army NCO, was able to answer some of the questions I had about the program. 1. Wh y did you w an t t o begin t h is? Wh at is t h e passion beh in d it ? ?This program is to help reintegrate veterans and active duty military personnel suffering from PTSD, prosthetics, etc. back into family and civilian life.? Some of the benefits of this program include improved self-esteem, reduction of stress, improvement of communication, and the program promotes camaraderie. 2. Wh y h or ses? ?Horses have a unique ability to identify and connect emotionally with someone when they have a problem.? Veterans and active duty military personnel deal with a wide range of emotions, such as anger and sadness, and horses are able to identify that in them. This is helpful when the veterans are doing different exercises and are experiencing those emotions; the horse is able to recognize that in them. 3. How m an y vet er an s do you u su ally h ave at t en d an even t ? How m an y com bin ed? ?We try and get between 10 and 12 at an event. Overall, we have had well over a 100.? 18