Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella Winter 2018 Issue | Page 15

Calling All Students to Mo n d a y Pr a yer By: Sammy C. I recently interviewed Mr. Bouwman , one of the Bible teachers here at AOA, about our school's Monday Prayer online class. 1) What is Monday Prayer? This is a gathering of AOA students in an online class setting for the purpose of praying for each other, our families, our fellow students, our school, our churches and our communities. 2) When did these meetings start? These online prayer meetings started in the 2010-2011 school year. We have met nearly every Monday since - except when AOA is closed for a holiday that is observed on Monday. We also do not meet from about mid-June to mid-August. 3) About how many students attend a meeting? On any given Monday, 12 to 15 students join the meeting. At present, we have 65 students registered, so many students join on weeks they can, or when they wish to pray for someone specific. 4) What is your favorite part about Monday Prayer? My favorite part of Monday Prayer is listening as students pray for one another and adding my "Amen!" I also enjoy hearing the various accents in their voices and realizing that our student body includes students from 40 countries as well as every state. 5) Have you seen a positive outcome out of this prayer effort? Oh, yes! There is the obvious reminder to all who participate that we attend a Christian school, and we can turn to Jesus to bring our praise and to seek his help--just as He directs us in the Bible. Additionally, students are blessed as others in the class that day pray specifically for them. From time to time, a student will return to report an answer to prayer raised in an earlier session. 6) What else can you tell me about this class, and how can other students join this online prayer group? We begin at 3:30 and end at 4:00 p.m. Central time. We spend the first 12-15 minutes sharing items for prayer. If prayer requests are sent in the chat box, I copy and paste those prayer requests into the slides of the power point we are using that day as either Praises or Requests. Also, students may unmute themselves to share an item audibly if they prefer. Then we read a verse, or a few verses, of Scripture in order to focus our thoughts on our Lord. After that, those who wish to offer prayers are invited to pray and we take turns doing so. We usually close the class with a reading of the Our Father. AOA is a real Christian community, and anyone who joins Monday Prayer will experience this and will feel welcomed and supported by his or her fellow students. 15