Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella December 2019 | Page 5
How do you stay organized? six so that you can relax the seventh.
It helps to use calendars and set
reminders. I have reminders on my
computer and on my phone so I
(hopefully) don?t forget anything. Still working on applying these
principles, myself. But they?re good rules
to follow.
Wh y do you t each ? Wh at ?s t h e best lesson you ?ve ever
t au gh t ? Wh at ?s t h e w or st ?
Lots of reasons. Most prominently
is because I believe educating people is
the best way to set a good foundation for
the future, and hopefully to make society
a better place for all of us. I think the best lesson I?ve taught
is on finding sources. It always feels to
me like students come away with a new
perspective on how to research.
How do you t ak e car e of you r self so
you don?t bu r n ou t ?
I like the expression ?Work hard,
play hard.? I used to think it was a really
dumb thing to say, until I heard NFL-QB
Kirk Cousins talk about applying it. When
you?re at work, be focused on your work
and accomplishing everything you need
to. That way, when you?re away, you can
focus on having a good time and
relaxing. Don?t let your leisure time bleed
into work time, and vice versa.
It also ties into something I
learned in church as a kid. One lesson
that really stuck in my mind was covering
the Fourth Commandment. The teacher
talked about how we usually only focus
on the part commanding us to rest on
the Sabbath. But one of the first parts of
that commandment says ?Six days you
shall labor and do all your work.? In other
words, it?s not a commandment just to
take a day off, but to work hard the other
I don?t know if I?d say it?s the worst
(there?s a lot of competition for that), but
one lesson I?m usually disappointed in is
on logical fallacies. It?s such an important
concept, but it?s also a complex topic that
requires some abstract thinking. I never
feel satisfied with how it turns out.
Of t h e year s t h at you ?ve been a
t each er , w h ich do you , t h in k w as you r
m ost su ccessf u l. Wh y?
I wouldn?t even know how to begin
comparing them.
Have you alw ays en joyed En glish an d
Lan gu age Ar t s?
No. I don?t think there?s any
subject that?s enjoyable all the time.
How does t h e Bible h elp w it h
st u den t ?s En glish cou r ses?
The Bible can give students strong
motivation to work hard in all their
courses, and should drive home the
importance of our gift of language.