Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella December 2019 | Page 4

Get t o Know Your Teacher s: M eet Engli sh teacher M r. Harri ngton By M adelyn n e R. How did you learn about AOA? I went to school not far from Rock Rapids, IA, where the AOA?s main office is. Several of my friends were working there at the time I graduated. They helped me get my foot in the door. What is one piece of advice you would give to students? Always give your assignments your absolute best effort. Give anything less, and you aren?t growing or challenging yourself the way you should. How do you build relationships with students? It?s tricky. It helps to start by being very open with them and to stay in consistent contact, when possible. In your opinion, what?s the best part of teaching? What?s the hardest? The best part is the ?light bulb? moment, where the student finally gets it after trying everything, or where the student turns in a project and you can tell they?ve been listening to your feedback. The hardest part is telling people bad news that they need to hear.