Commit to Using It to Enrich Your Life
There is no use in finding your gift and then sitting on it and stay the same . Your gift is a trading opportunity and it makes you a wanted and needed commodity . I remember as early as my second grade I was the kid whom every teacher wanted , because I spoke out , I engaged in class .
I always tried , at that time as a poor child , my active participation in class became my trade , because my teachers rewarded me with supporting the family for making their time at school worth it . Shockingly , I only learnt a set of years ago is that it was my blessing or gift in action , speaking inspirationally or with influence that had teachers in awe and willing to go all the way to secure a decent living for a child who was the poorest of the poorest .
So find your gift and then trade with it to enrich your life .
Identify & Understand Environments that are Conducive for the Exploration and Expression of your gift .
Once the first three steps have been successfully undertaken and you are now clear about which career path you are going to follow , there is an even more damning exercise one needs to engage in , finding a place where one will create new value and the place will in turn add value to oneself . All my life I wanted to be a speaker , I spent years through varsity trying to win over the right and big names in the industry . Guess what , in 2013 I was employed by the name I wanted , to do the kind of job I wanted , speaking . However , my stay there only lasted three months and I could not find sense in my being there .
The employer and workplace had nothing to do with what I felt , it was the fact that for my gifts , the place was just not conducive for me to explore what I had already set in motion fully and experience its pleasures in the form of an enriched life . What was prime in my life , was not prime for me at the company and there was no negotiating with a system that required me to deliver at certain levels , whereas I wanted to perform and explore certain areas of my gift with no limits and conditions .
To avoid this , invest time in learning about the different companies that can make use of the skills you have . Find synergy and areas you will be able to perform at your maximum ability . Take the time to understand the environment and insure that your participation is not just a means to earn a salary , but a grand expression of what the purpose and meaning of your life is . These sum up the simple steps we need to follow in finding our dream careers . If you knew this before reading this article , then I am sure we would be in agreement that making a career choice is an extremely simple exercise that just requires patience , a plan and a willing spirit grounded in faith . If you read this for the first time , it is never too late to start knowing yourself , your gifts , your opportunities and the wisdom of By all the RAMATSELELA F above . May the favour of your will take you to your destination .