BLEND 2021 BLEND Digital, 2nd semester 2021 | Page 43

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Give respect , then you will get some back
You will see it a lot during

I love waking up in the morning not knowing what ’ s gonna happen or who I ’ m gonna meet , where I ’ m gonna wind up .

backpacking ; Bondi beach
covered in waste and littering
after the weekends , or girls
in South East Asia wearing
hotpants and bikini tops in
temples . Don ’ t be that person
who disrespects others , and
don ’ t forget your manners
( even though you already had
10 beers ). After all , you are the
guest ! Read about countries ’
norms and values before
traveling , especially whenever
you ’ re traveling to religious
countries .
In the end , I would 100 %
recommend backpacking !
You learn so much from
traveling . Not only about
yourself , but also about other
cultures and other countries . It
opens your eyes and teaches
you to be free , and it really is a
special and once in a lifetime
experience . Never let anyone
stop you from traveling . Be
prepared , stay save and have
fun !