BLEND 2021 BLEND Digital, 2nd semester 2021 | Page 44



Travelling is amongst the many activities that make you happy , smiling , which brings you positive energy and good memories . I do not know anybody , who does not love to travel , simply because travelling equals a rest for your soul and mind . Travelling makes you full , boosts your levels of dopamine and it energizes you . However , sometimes we are too busy to travel due to our everyday life duties and because we cannot feed our soul with a real travel , we order a takeaway and play movies that make our minds travel to breathtaking destinations .
Watching movies , which take action in marvelous and astonishing places around the globe is great when we are too occupied to actually visit them . There are many films , which are being shot in amazing corners of the world , but there are only few which will take your breath away when you watch them .

Here is a list of the top 5 movies that will make your soul travel !