BLEND 2021 BLEND Digital, 2nd semester 2021 | Page 41

Feeding the wildlife
While backpacking , one day I woke up and step out of my tent , made some coffee and grabbed some grapes . Suddenly , there was the most adorable koala standing right in front of me . Koalas don ’ t show themselves easily and I knew this was pretty rare . Unfortunately , he slowly backed away . I could have given him the grapes , and enjoy his company a little bit longer , but I didn ’ t because animals can get sick eating these items .
Human food is not healthy for wild animals , and they do not need food from humans to survive . Wild animals have specialized diets , and they can become malnourished or die if fed the wrong foods . Also , the wildlife can be brutal and snatch something out of your hands or pockets . Properly storing your food will protect you and the animals . For example , in Canada it is highly recemented to ‘ bearproof your food ’. Keep your sleeping gear and tent free of food odours and cook at least 100 meters downwind from your sleeping area . For more tips about traveling through Canada , check out this website !

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Hostel life
My first time in a 10-person mixed ( males and females ) dorm room felt a little bit awkward . There is little privacy , but many sounds and smells , and sleeping in the same room with 9 others felt just weird . There were some annoyances at first , but in no time , I had my first travel mate ! Dorms may consist of a room of 4 people , or they may as well consist of a dormitory for more than 16 people . All backpackers are different . You might be in the same room with people who are quiet , or you might be with people who are party animals who storm in at 4 in the morning . Something to get used to maybe , but also the best way to meet new people !