BLEND 2021 BLEND Digital, 2nd semester 2021 | Page 40

Nothing caps a day off better than rolling out your hammock in the middle of the woods and falling asleep under the stars with your friends .

Nothing caps a day off better than rolling out your hammock in the middle of the woods and falling asleep under the stars with your friends .

Booking everything in advance
Don ’ t do it , only book your plane ticket and first night ( s ) at your accommodation !
Most of the time , your trip will go slightly different than planned . When you really like a place , you can easily book a few days extra , and if you don ’ t like it you can leave whenever you want . Also , you will meet a lot of people and maybe travel together . In a situation like this , it is not nice to have everything already mapped out .
Another tip : DO book your accommodation in advance during public holidays . For example , I couldn ’ t find any place to stay when I was in Sydney during New Year ’ s Eve and I had to sleep in a car with my friend .

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Sweater weather ?
Even when you ’ re going to warm countries , keep in mind that these places will also have cold temperatures . Doing a road trip through The United States ? The temperature can go from 45 ° C to 20 ° C during your drive . Whenever you ’ re going camping , be prepared and bring some extra blankets with you . I made that mistake while spending the night in a tent , and I couldn ’ t feel my toes till the sun came up !