Blackout Rugby SA 9/15/2013 | Page 17

A yearning for the days gone past with glorious rivalries dating back to the SASS-J tournaments of season 10 led to the esthablishment of a new Thursday friendly competition among a group of old rival managers of days gone past. Starting in S19 the competitoin was atriumphant success and is planning to add another division for the upcomming season and a Monday incarnation for affiliates has already been confirmed. For more information or enquiries contact SkaapZA by BR mail or goto

South African Braai Invitational -

Biltongbredie & Who's Your Daddy Cups -

The BB Cup is 'n Thursday competition among 20 teams competing in two Divisions over 11 weeks. It was started by 8 friends who all joined up after March 2011. Friends invited friends and new friends were made along the way, and it grew to 20 teams.

The WYD Cup is a knockout spinoff, played over 5 weeks among all 20 teams. There is 5 trophies in the WYD. Cup, Shield, Bowl, Plate and Woody


R15 Bloem/EL vs Hong Kong Regional CC

Cape Town vs South Korea/Georgia CC entries

R15 Port Elizabeth vs Japan Regional CC

R15 Johannesburg Regional CC

R15 Durban Regional CC Registration

R15 Pretoria Regional CC - Registration

For more info on comps visit:

Or the offsite


BRSA discussion Skype traveling trophy

How to enter:

Add SkaapZA on Skype

To enter the International CC's, add your name here