Blackout Rugby SA 9/15/2013 | Page 16

3rd Party Competition Panel

If you are looking for a exiting new friendly competition you have to look no further here are a list of BRSA's most exiting comps.



The SA Super Series Juniors -

is a Thursday friendly competition and its the only competition where young Blackout Rugby South African teams can play competitive games against teams more or less the same age as their own. Dabeezneez started the The tournament in season 8 and has been a cornerstone of manager development since its inception. To enter your club needs to be younger than one calendar year when the new season competition starts.

To enter keep an eye on the news and clubroom

The SA Super Series -

Who can Enter?

The SASS is intended for SA Clubs only, but provision will be made for entries from other countries if slots are available.

The available entry slots for SASS will be filled in this order of priority:

- Currently competing clubs

- SA Clubs

- Known SA Expats

- SA Managers

- Other


any team who does not play WNWIM will get a "strike" to it's name. Teams with 3 strikes will be disqualified with immediate effect, their fixtures deleted and all their fixtures will result in a 4 try 20 - 0 win for their opponent. They will also not be allowed to enter the following season.

Any games not being played at the same intensity will result in a 4 try 20 - 0 win to the team who played the lower intensity.

The original result will stand only if the lower intensity team won by more than 20 points, scored 4 or more tries and the loosing team scored less than 4 tries.


After 80 entries have been received teams are then ranked based on the average star rating their team achieved during the previous SASS season (using all non-default games or only WNWIM games).

New teams that did not play in the previous SASS season will get an average star rating based on the last 10 friendlies they have played.

Once these average star ratings has been established the teams are then ranked highest to lowest and divided into the divisions available for that season.