Black Globe International Magazine Oct 2019 2019-10 Black Globe International Magazine Vol 201 | Page 11
Beautiful You:
A Beauty Queen's Secrets to Healthy, Beautiful Skin
By: Sonya Murphy
Your special day is quickly approaching and everyone loves to
see a radiant, glowing you walking confidently… It is the special
moment you've been anticipating...
Whether it is your wedding day, your graduation, a pageant, or
your close-up, it all starts with skin care. In between choosing
your dream gown, practicing your talent and onstage question,
doing lengthy photo shoots, and executing your "to do" check-
list, make certain that you plan to carry out a full skin care regi-
men before your big event. Possessing a flawless, even skin tone
and complexion provides for better makeup application results
and also offers a high-quality photo-finish look to your por-
To achieve a flawless, radiant, and glowing complexion,
begin with a thorough skin care regimen and be consistent. Use
potent product lines that work well for your skin type. The
proper cleanser, toner, exfoliate, and moisturizer will deliver the
results that you desire on this glamorous occasion.
Choose a reputable cleanser to apply twice daily, morn-
ing and evening. Cleansers are found in foam, gel, and liquid
forms over-the-counter at most department and drug
stores. Select an appropriate cleanser that leaves skin feeling
soft, clear, and “squeaky clean” without over drying.
If you have an oily skin type, then utilizing a toner is a
must. Incorporate a daily astringent-like toner into your rou-
tine. A purifying toner balances the pH of skin, kills bacteria,
and also shrinks over-enlarged pores. Toners also renew and
refresh the skin.
Use a gentle, yet effective exfoliating product 2-3 times
per week. Exfoliating more or less than the recommendation is
counter-productive. Over-exfoliating can be traumatizing to the
skin and cause adverse effects. Under exfoliating will proliferate
clogged pores, blackheads, whiteheads, and pustules.
-Do exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes of moderate to high
intensity every day. Exercise increases blood circulation, which
improves skin tone and texture, delivering vital nutrients to skin
-Do schedule a “trial run” 3 weeks in advance with a makeup
artist to guarantee no allergic reactions will occur onstage at
your pageant, or at any other paramount time during your big
Queenly Don’ts
-Don’t try any new skin products or procedures within a week
leading up to your event. Schedule all facial and body waxing
services 2 weeks before the pageant and opt for a “touch up”
session the week of the pageant .
-Don’t wait to consult a dermatologist or esthetician at the
last minute. Health care professionals are often busy and it
may take months to book an appointment.
-Don’t drink heavily caffeinated and carbonated beverag-
es. They can reactivate skin problems in people with Rosacia
and acne.
In addition to cleansing, toning, and exfoliating,
moisturizing hydration is paramount in obtaining
a flawless, glowing complexion. Apply a water-
based hydrating lotion with an SPF of 15+ to neck
and work in upward, sweeping motions from neck
to forehead, making certain that all areas have
been covered. If using a vitamin enriched serum
in your regimen, be sure to always apply serums
before applying your moisturizer.
Before your big event, make sure to follow
these simple “do’s” and you will be overjoyed that
you did.
Queenly Do’s
-Do establish a consistent skin care regimen and
follow it daily
-Do consult a dermatologist or esthetician (skin
care therapist) for treatment of advanced skin con-
ditions such as recurring acne, scar tissue, and
hypo/hyper pigmentation
-Do adopt a healthy, balanced eating plan that
provides proper nutrition internally.
-Do drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Water
may flush harmful toxins out of the body and teas
contain natural antioxidants that could fight “free
When anticipating your day, keep these helpful recommenda-
tions in mind when developing a consistent skin care regimen
that will prepare you to be the “center of attention” as you strut
down the stage, down the aisle or across the room. With proper
implementation, the flawless glowing complexion that all beauty
queens desire to have, can, and will be yours.