Black Globe International Magazine Oct 2019 2019-10 Black Globe International Magazine Vol 201 | Page 12
How to Improve the Most Important Relationship of Your Life
That one person who always lift your spirits when you are down, That one person who looks you straight in
the eyes and tells you things like:
You CAN do this!
YOU are beautiful
I believe in you
You are important to me
You are forgiven
Relationships are very important in our life. They can help us and they can destroy us. They often seem to
make or break us. It is important to pay attention to the relationships in your life and ask yourself is this
relationship making me better or is my self-esteem taking a nose dive almost every time I hear from them?
Are you hearing things like:
• You are stupid,
• You look awful,
• Who do you think you are, you can’t do that
This is the type of relationship that must be improved. I can just hear you saying:
“Hmph, I’m not sticking around for someone to talk to me like that. It’s over!” Much easier said than done.
If the most important relationship in your life was that easy to break off, the world would be a different
place. So what do we do to improve our relationship? The first step is to recognize what that relationship
looks like.
The most important relationship you can have is the one that you have with your self! How do you talk to
yourself? Do you call yourself some of those bad names even as a joke? When you make a mistake do you
say that you are stupid or you are done or was that a dumb choice or dumb mistake? Do you treat your self
as good as you would treat the stranger who you help to open the door?
If you saw someone speaking harshly to a child or an obvious senior citizen, would you feel... maybe com-
passion for that person?
I am asking you to look in the mirror and feel compassion for yourself. Be supportive and giving to yourself.
Look you straight in the eyes and give you permission to receive the goodness of life.
Did you know when you are a child you had to depend on your surroundings to form the way you view the
world and yourself? You may have formed a thought as a 5 year that is still governing how you see yourself.
What 5 year old thought are you holding onto that is affecting your self-esteem today?
In the next issue,
I am going to tell you a specific process on how to overcome those negative thinking patterns and how this
process will help you attract the type of man you want or give your man fresh eyes for you.
See you in November!
-Dr.Stephvanie Wynn