BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success / BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success /bis345mentor | Page 25

Part G: Join Shipper list (10 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here: b.Screen print your results and paste here: Part H: Account payable (10 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here: a.Screen print your results and paste here Part I: Create a dataset for reporting (10 points) b.Paste your SQL Statement here: c.Screen print your results and paste here: Part J: Report (10 points) a.Paste a screen print of the report view: Lab 4 Part 1: Table Joins and functions Overview Using the Northwind database, you have been requested to select data for specific needs. Once selected, your data will be presented to management. You will have to determine which fields are the most appropriate to be selected. Do not include any fields that management does not need to see. Below is a screenshot of the Northwind Database schema: Log into SQL Server and access the database engine. Once into SQL Server’s database engine, select the Northwind database as usual. Part A Northwind Traders deals with a number of suppliers. The Products table includes the supplier ID for each product. Go through the Products table and provide a count of the number of products from each company. The output should show the name of the supplier and a count of the number of products it supplies. As you prepare to create this query, decide which information needs to be displayed – this will be listed in the SELECT clause. Review the tables to determine which tables to use – these will be listed in the FROM clause. This problem will require an aggregate function – which one? What fields will be in the GROUP BY? If more than one table is needed, how will these tables be joined? 1. Using the query window, type the SELECT statement needed to produce the desired results. The SQL is given below and after you’ve typed your query, click on the Execute button to run the query and see the results. The first rows of your result set should look like this: 2. Open up the Lab 4 Student Answer Sheet located in Doc Sharing, and answer the questions related to this part of the lab. 3. You must provide copies of your SQL statement and/or results. You may be asked to take a screenshot or cut and paste the SQL into the Word document. Follow the instructions on your lab answer sheet.