BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success / BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success /bis345mentor | Page 26

( To take a screenshot , press CTRL-ALT-PRINTSCREEN . Nothing appears to happen on your screen , but this set of keystrokes places a picture of your screen on the clipboard . In Word , just put your mouse where you want the screenshot to go , and then right click and press Paste . The screenshot will appear in your Word document after a few seconds ). Part B The “ Orders ” and “ Order Details ” tables contain the data relating to current invoices . Provide a list showing order ID , order date , and order total ( don ’ t forget to include the discount ). Round the order total to two decimals ; display the order date as mm / dd / yyyy ( no timestamp ). As you prepare to create this query , decide which information needs to be displayed – this will be listed in the SELECT clause . Review the tables to determine which tables to use – these will be listed in the FROM clause . This problem will require a calculated field and an aggregate function . What fields will be in the GROUP BY ? If more than one table is needed , how will these tables be joined ? 1 . Using the query window , type the SELECT statement needed to produce the desired results . The SQL is given below : 2 . Press the Execute button . A partial result set is displayed below : 3 . Answer the questions under Part B of your Lab Answer Sheet , and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document . Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window , and should NOT be a screenshot . However , you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question . The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results . =====================================================


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Using Lab 5 , provide copies of your SQL Statements , results and reports for each Section listed below Part AProduct and Category dataset ( 7 points ) a . Paste your SQL Statement here : Screen print your results and paste here : Part B : Product and Category report ( 10 points ) a . Paste your report here :