BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success / BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success /bis345mentor | Page 24

a. b. a. b. c. d. a. b. Part G: Join two tables with sub-query - Practice # 1 (5 points) Paste your SQL Statement here: Screen print your results and paste here: Part H: Join two tables with sub-query -Practice #2 (5 points) Paste your SQL Statement here: Screen print your results and paste here: Part I: Single table join (5 points) Paste your SQL Statement here: Screen print your results and paste here: Part J: Complex join (5 points) Paste your SQL Statement here: Screen print your results and paste here: ===================================================== BIS 345 Week 4 iLab FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Using Lab 4 provide copies of your SQL Statements and/or results for each Section listed below Part A Supplier and product list (10 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here: b.Screen print your results and paste here: Part B: Order information (10 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here: b.Screen print your results and paste here: Part C: Customer and order (10 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here: a.Screen print your results and paste here: Part D: Employee and territory list (10 points) b.Paste your SQL Statement here: c.Screen print your results and paste here: Part E: Order and product (10 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here: b.Screen print your results and paste here: Part F: Best customer list (10 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here: b.Screen print your results and paste here: