SHOUT OUT Bounce Back Bounce Back Success is the process but failureĀ is the journey towards success. Without failure one cannot achieve success, so accept the truth and move forward, learn from your failures and bounce back to try again with better ways but never be afraid of it. There are many ways in which you can bounce back. Four 'B' you have to keep in mind to achieve impossible. Believe - Began - Beget - Bounce Back. When you get the results and it was negative. Yes it feels bad. It feels pathetic. It feels like being stuck in the vicious circle of attempt-failure-attempt. What to do ? How to do ? Can I really do it ? All sort of negative thoughts start dancing in our heads and it's disturbing. Believe First you have to believeĀ in yourself and your project, think 100 pros and cons before you start and if your belief is strong for that project then never hesitate to begin that project. Begin Once you have analysed your project and your belief is strong then don't waste time for anything, begin working on it not only in your mind but on the paper. I understand there will be difficulties but unless you begin you won't go any far.