ISSUE 11 | NOVEMBER 2019 Beget Once you have kick started above two 'B's then you will see that your project will start shaping up, don't judge the speed but at least find out the ways in which you can take it ahead. Negative or Positive you will start getting results. Bounce Back If you get success in first go then believe that that would be a beginners luck. Nobody in this world have achieved anything in first go. Failures are as important as the Success are, because without failure you won't enjoy the success. But the important point is that never let failures or success in your head. One has to keep bouncing back with different ways learning from the failures till you get success and after achieving goals find ways to maintain it with "J" curve. BIKERS CLUB | MAGAZINE | PAGE 27 Things to keep in mind if you are getting negative results or failures. Everyone of us have negative people around us adding more fuel to fire at a point of time when we need them the most to support us. Some of us get angry & disappointed with ourselves because we secretly know that we did not give our best shot. We just made half-hearted effort. Some of us are angry on our life circumstances wherein we are not able to get enough time for R & D's because of our jobs or work. Some of us are unconsciously blaming others for not giving enough support or blaming people for being unfair. How to get rid of it and bounce back ? Kill the biggest demon of ourselves - the conversation of failure in our mind. Unless we kill it first, our mind will be restless & depressed and we know that disturbed mind cannot focus on projects or work. To nail the conversation of failure, let us take two examples for fields other than our works to objectively look at what exactly is failure. Croatia lost the FIFA World Cup Finals despite all the hard-work we saw on the field. Is Croatia team a failure or they just failed in one game? What do you think? Halt for 10 seconds and think about the answer.